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Essential Summer Tech Maintenance Tips: Keep Your Gadgets Running Smoothly with Cleaning and Optimization

Why Summer Maintenance Matters Summer's heat and harsh sunlight can wreak havoc on your electronic devices. Here's why proper maintenance is crucial during this season:  Heat Impact: Extreme temperatures negatively affect your gadgets' performance and lifespan. Electronic components generate heat during operation, and summer's warmth exacerbates this issue. Overheating can lead to sluggish performance, crashes, and even permanent damage.  Dust Buildup: Dust accumulates inside vents and fans, hindering airflow and trapping heat within your devices. This restricted airflow prevents efficient cooling, causing overheating and performance issues.  Sun Exposure: Direct sunlight can damage your devices' screens, especially laptops and tablets. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause the display to become brittle and crack over time. Excessive heat from direct sunlight can harm batteries, reducing their capacity and lifespan.  By taking the time to properly clean